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  • Writer's pictureBernard Beitman, MD

How to Open Your Heart to Love

The Golden Calf vs. the Golden Rule, with John Audette

John Audette recognized the life-changing effect of Near Death Experiences. NDEs unleash personal capacities that increase synchronicities, promote healing, and open hearts to divine love. Reincarnation is real.

When you know that your life is an eyeblink in time, that you will not die, you will be able to give up believing that you have to grab all that you can right now. You will turn to opening your heart to the love that is all around us and in you, with diminished need for reciprocity and increased desire to radiate the love that comes through your heart to other living beings.

Meet Johnnow on the Connecting with Coincidence podcast:

John Audette is the author of Loved by the Light: True Stories of Divine Intervention and Providence. He has also contributed several chapters to books by other authors about spiritually transformative experiences (STEs) and nonlocal consciousness.

John earned a Master of Science degree from Virginia Tech. His professional career spans over three decades of senior executive positions in hospital and hospice administration and physician practice management, as well as the performing arts and public broadcasting. He is the principal founder of the International Association for Near-Death Studies (IANDS), and also the primary founder and CEO of Eternea.

And don’t forget to check out all our coincidence podcasts and synchronicity podcasts here…


Photo by Aziz Acharki on Unsplash

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